Thursday, July 18, 2013

Heaven on Earth

As far as we are concerned, it doesn't get much better than life in North Idaho from July to September.  Sunday we had a perfect day on Perkins Lake with some friends.  The pictures say it all.  When we pray "on earth as it is in heaven," we imagine something along these lines, only infinitely better!

The water was perfect; the sun was perfect; the smiles on faces and friends all around us were like sublime top-quality chocolate for the spirit. 


Showing off his catch

Kids having races

The paramount childhood experience

Tired, grubby bodies snuggle by the campfire at the end of the day



Markus von Steinfort said...

Great pictures of what looks like it was a great day!

Jason and Heather Fader said...

What a great day - beautiful pictures and memories. Jude looks so happy with his fish. : ) I like the new blog format... fun picture at the top!