Friday, August 2, 2013

The Most Perfect, Inspirational, Creative, Educational Home School Room!!! (If you are a pack rat)

If you search for school room ideas, whether for your classroom at school or your home school room, you will find some pretty terrific color-coordinated spaces.  Heck--even if you have nothing to do with school, between the Pottery Barn catalog and two seconds browsing on pinterest, the toy bin in the corner all of a sudden seems to need some inspiration.  

Well, moms, I'm here to bring you back to earth.  There is some universe where kids put markers back in color-coordinated wallpaper-covered repurposed paint cans, but it's not this one. I don't know about you, but I'd be happy to start my school year with the table cleared off.  Double points if kids could each learn to put their math books on any book shelf when they are done with it.  

I'm going to give you a little tour through my universe now, in an effort to balance the scales a little.  Consider this my equivalent black ugly tar lung to a smooth Joe Camel ad, or maybe The Dove Campaign for Real Beauty's response to a world of stick-thin, blemishless models.

The Pre-school Play Corner

There is a table under there somewhere. 
Notice the organizing bins yet to have things sorted into them.

Yes, this is our school table.  
It's a good thing we have a couple more weeks until school starts.

 This is my one organized shelf.  The left is labeled "animals" and the right is labeled "history." 
 The books on the shelf now represent approximately 9% of animal and history books in the house. 

The sad part is that these are the pictures after I have spent wasted two days of my life trying to regain order.  I did something with all that time...threw away old math papers?  Separated legos from the math manipulatives? 

Here is the other tragedy that is never mentioned in those unrealistic portrayals of classroom perfection.  While you are trying to organize your school room (or reading corner or toy closet), the rest of your house goes to pot. 

The laundry doesn't do itself, as it should under the circumstances.

 I'll let this picture speak for itself. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A good picture of my life!