Friday, October 24, 2014

Milestones (or cliffs)

Yes, Henry's birthday was two whole months ago, and I'm just now posting about it.

The day began by opening his few treasured presents:

(a drone thingy that flies, or is supposed to fly, once you figure out what the instructions mean)

There were also Lego sets, birthday money (woo hoo!), and a few boring pairs of jeans and such.

His birthday request was that we could go to the Yaak River, because why would you not want to spend your birthday jumping off a cliff?

We wrapped up the day with the requested angel food cake, strawberries, and whipped cream. I guess this proves that he really is my kid, after all (I know that this issue has seriously been up for debate, considering his love for running).

And just like that, he is nine years old.