Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Day Twelve: (Learn about first so later you can) Remember the Alamo

I. Love. This. Picture.
Here is my big, strong Henry, being a helper and fabulous big brother.  And here is Jude, my squishy-cheeked snuggle bug, along for the ride, taking it all in cheerfully, and trusting his big brother to take him wherever he needs to go.

 Hank always does such a good job explaining things. He read many of the inscriptions to the kids, interjecting or paraphrasing as necessary. 

This picture is proof of Hank's token participation in this epic road trip. Here we are on the stretch from San Antonio to the Dallas area, where we headed next to visit my sister and her family.  Can't you tell what a great time we're all having?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and seeing your GREAT pictures! Where are you now? (Wed 5/8) Happy trails!
love, grammy