Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hurry--Wait! Hurry--Be still!

To a three-year-old, this mode of travel must seem completely deranged.  It's not like going on a road trip where you can clearly tell you are covering ground, and the stopping has an obvious reason (like getting gas or getting food).  Air travel is a whole different story.  "Okay, now we are going to just sit here in the parked airplane for an unspecified amount of time for some unknown but probably important reason."  Then the airplane finally starts to move, but once you are up in the air it's kind of hard to tell where you are going or even that you are moving. 

And then there are the arbitrary rules.  "You can get up and use the bathroom now.  Oh wait--now we have to sit down and buckle our seat belts.  Fold your little table away. Turn your movie off--yes, right now just as it's getting good. Okay, now you can use your little table.  "
All these factors contribute to a very non-compliant, irritable, equally nonsensical three-year-old.  Just in case you were wondering.

But we made it across the ocean somehow, and we touched down shortly after sunrise in Brussels. 

We have spent a very long day here now, since our flight was delayed a full day until tomorrow morning.  Thankfully, the airline put us up in a great hotel with fabulous food, and we spent the day exploring the city with our new friends the Baskins and Nina

 Up bright and early tomorrow with our sights still set on Burundi!

1 comment:

Tom R said...

Hurry up so we can wait. There has to be a poem in that thought.

Keep traveling well. I'm going to hurry up and wait to see how the rest of your trip goes.