Thursday, April 3, 2014

The Bambinos Prepare

We've had a lot of people ask what the kids think about going to Burundi.  They are excited--we are going on an adventure!  We talk about what it will be like there, we look at pictures, and we wonder about the unknown together.  Although there is extra excitement, extra preparation, and an extra-long plane ride ahead of us, the kids don't comprehend just how different Africa will be than our other family trips. 

Eika and Henry have recently joined the rubber band bracelet fad obsession, so they welcomed a reason to make several dozen extras.
We hope to visit a friend who teaches at a boarding school.  There is also an orphanage run by the same ministry, where Eika and Henry hope to pass out bracelets.  Hmm...will the trend already have reached rural Burundi?

Last night was the final push to get every nook and cranny of every bin packed to its capacity.  Everyone was excited to help with that.
 We attached address labels and a message to TSA about re-fastening lids with zip-ties. 
Jude's utmost concern was the movies he would watch on the plane.  What he doesn't realize is that the cases he is packing are empty--the big kids already packed all the DVDs in another case. :)

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