Saturday, April 12, 2014

Incomprehensible Blessings

So healthy.

I walk back and forth dozens of times, coming to use the oven or going back, dragging tired kids along with me to have rest time. It seems that I feed my kids nineteen times a day, just like at home. And we are all so, so healthy.

Eika's tummy hurts at bedtime, but she has plenty of energy when it is time to paint toenails with the girls. Jude is peppered with at least four dozen itchy, bothersome mosquito bites from our first night here (sans mosquito net), and he rides the resident red tricycle in loops by the mile. Henry scrapes his knees, overheats in the equatorial sun, and charges on with all his normal energy. Eva cries because her friend got to take the first turn, complains to have her hair detangled, but still gives every bit as big a bear hug as she does from her own bed at home.

And they are all. so. healthy.

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