Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fine on the Outside

I wrote last year about carrying on with a smile even when things aren't going exactly the way I'd like.  I call it "fake it 'till you make it," and there is definitely a time and place for it.  But the last few weeks I've been uncovering some areas that I've been ignoring in my life, initiated by our Sonship homework. 

I came across this quote in one of our reading assignments, and it got my attention.

A sham spirituality of pseudo-repentance and pseudo-bliss eventually fashions what modern psychiatry calls a borderline personality, in which appearances make up for reality.”
 I know there is a balance somewhere in learning to be real with people and yet not sharing the depths of my heart with the grocery checker when she asks “how are you?”  Am I closing off so much of myself to others that I'm depending on appearance to make up for reality?  
So I have been trying to answer these questions for the past few weeks, digging down deep and finding shaky walls I have propped up to "protect" myself from others. 
Lucky for you, I just so happen to have some Willis family dirt on the matter to illustrate my point.
No, really.  I'm about to share with you some slimy, slick, deep, unforgiving mud. 
Are you ready?  Driving up to our house, you would never realize this (and we didn't either until a couple days ago).  It really reinforces the advice to deal with your problems while they are little. 
Are you still reading? 

We started draining the pond today via a secondary pipe so we can access the leak under the culvert and repair the damage under the road.

And I've been working on my heart as well. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Crazy erosion.