Saturday, June 22, 2013

Choosing Sweets

We are home.

We spent the last ten days traveling and meeting new people.  It was rich and full of sweetness.  It was hard to be gone from the kids.  It gave us new excitement on this road towards life in Africa, and at the same time it deepened our understanding of what might be some of our challenges.  It was a gift to be around a different kind of people.  These were families and individuals at language school in France, most of whom are on their way toward a life of service in Togo, Chad, Burundi, and a few other places.  These are people who have sat and sorted life into two piles--"to leave" and "to take"--prioritizing in a way that most of us never are required to struggle through.

Tonight as I was helping Eika get to bed, she was falling apart.  We talked about all the sweet times she had with her friends this past week, and I reminded her to think on those things instead of what she was upset about.

So I am going to make myself do the same thing as I go to bed: think about the sweet things instead of the enormous, pressing list of needs that is hovering over me.  What was sweet in your day?

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