Monday, November 3, 2014

Instructions for triumphing over Mondays

1. Give your three-year-old a pair of sunglasses.  Tell him they are spy glasses.

2. Give him the vacuum hose.  Tell him it is a spy gun.

3. IF he is wearing his special spy glasses, and IF he says shu-ZAM at just the right moment, his spy gun will magically make things disappear.

4. Point to all the crumbs (dried-up play-dough bits, wood mess and splinters by the wood stove, etc), sit back, and marvel at your genius plan.*

*, the Willis family, Jude the Spy, and Hannah the Spy Mom are not responsible for other items that may inadvertently disappear if your spy is left unattended with his spy gun.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
