Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Sister Salon

The number one question I am asked about my brown-skinned beauty is whether or not I do her hair myself.  Up until yesterday, I could always say yes.  I have learned so much since I first put little bows in her silky infant wisps, and I know that I still have at least that much more to learn!  Thankfully, her big sister loves to play beauty salon, and she enjoys helping me braid sometimes.  This time though, she did a lot more than helping.  I had taken out braids Sunday and Monday and it was time to deep condition, detangle, and part into twists. Eika was on the job! 

First she used the amazing Wet Brush on sopping wet, conditioner-saturated hair.  We started at the sink, but halfway through we moved to the bathtub.  Working together, it took the two of us about 20 minutes to brush through her hair section by section. 

After gently towel drying, we moved to the living room and started a movie.  I showed Eika how to do the parting, and away she went. 

 Eika worked by herself for about an hour and got half of Eva's hair in what we call bunti buns.  I'm not sure how and when we started calling them that, since I think the real name is Bantu knots.  

I took over and parted and twisted the other half, which finished up pretty quickly (40 minutes, maybe).  Here is the happy girl!  There is always a big smile when we are DONE!

We will leave these in for a couple of days, and then we'll undo the twists without combing or brushing to have a bouncy, curly "twist-out." 

Hooray for a hair apprentice!  Nice work, Eika!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Eva, good job, Eika and Mommy! love, Grammy