Wednesday, December 18, 2013

O Tannenbaum

Time to get a Christmas tree!  We have a tradition of heading up into the mountains with some friends of ours to search out the perfect spruce.  Jude spotted one he thought would be just right, and he wasted no time getting to work.

Even though it was 5 degrees and our breath was turning to ice before it left our noses, we had to stick around and enjoy the beautiful sunny day. 

Since this year there was only a few inches of snow and there didn't seem to be a promise of at least one vehicle getting stuck (which is traditionally a required element of the Christmas tree hunt), some of the kids put a little extra effort into upping the danger and suspense aspect to the day.  There was a flying squirrel act by Judah (which didn't end up quite as he had planned), and an impressive tree chopping event by Gage.
There were breaks in the car to warm up, camaraderie around the fire, and red rosy cheeks to show for all the fun. 

Oh yes, and we even ended up with a gorgeous tree!

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